Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Afraid of the TRUTH

Why hasn't published my comments on his blog? Afraid, isnt he? Afraid that the TRUTH shall set us free.

You cannot fool EVERYBODY.

PUBLISH that comment, Father Corvera. By doing so, you shall allow those who are still IN DOUBT to QUESTION.

And by questioning, they shall be led to the TRUTH.








butuan sentinel said...

I believe I know the person you are referring to in your first entry. I was an officemate of hers. For those who want to know the truth and to be fair to those who have been and will be victimized by the psychopath everett corvera I will share what I know. The demon incarnate has been with an older woman ( a nurse) for more than 12 years now, but at that time had taken another in, a Muslim woman younger than his self-proclaimed true love (he was very vocal about this to his close friends). His relationship with the nurse is a well-known affair in Butuan, since they are constantly seen together. Her family has cursed him. The nurse would always visit him during the years that he was studying. I learned this from his classmates in the seminary who were also from Butuan. When the Muslim woman found out that she was not special after all she had given up for him (the you and me against the world syndrome)all hell broke loose and she used her power to get back at the woman and the devil. the truth is in the attempt to save his true love the nurse, the devil since he had an association to the family of my officemate (but not directly with her) conveniently diverted the Muslim woman's wrath and used her (my officemate) to save his older love. Since they were influential, the news had a better and faster chance of spreading (thereby a perfect diversion) and the Muslim woman would think twice, or get confused. He skipped town the stories say, because my officemate's father wanted to kill him. He is said to have continued his love affair with the nurse in Balanga. I am shocked to learn that he also continued his psycopathic acts there.
It is unfair that the truth is being left out. The scandal was a big hit here. I also was a victim who instantly believed this. Butuanons are known to be suckers for any intrigue. Since I am also fair, I took a moment and analyzed the stories. I saw my officemate everyday before, during and after the issue exploded. How can an impregnation and abortion be possible when she never even was absent for a single day? Of course I observed her because of the issue.
After about a month, his co-priests who openly hated his guts had spread the real story, about the nurse and the Muslim scorned. This was after they had found out about his relationship with a nun who was also older than the devil. To this day, his original excuse (my officemate)is believed since it is juicier. But to this day also, the Muslims have been hunting him through the locals.
You are right. Whoever wrote the everett corvera blog is not entirely lying or making stories up.
Another truth and no one can contest this: the one who is defending him is a certified homosexual. Are you not wondering why he is defending the devil? You said you had no proof of his homosexuality. Why not investigate on this defender's motives?
I believe the real everett corvera is already out of his mind. He is a suicide waiting to happen.

Unknown said...

The real Everett Corvera that we know here in Bataan is a dedicated priest. When he arrived here his lavish lifestyle was immediately questioned since he owns a lot of expensive things unbecoming of a priest. Cars, dogs, music gadgets, cameras etc but this was cleared when he explained that he belongs to a very rich family in butuan. That endeared him to us because he chose to serve the Lord and Balanga instead of enjoying their wealth probably running their successful family businesses. We are sorry if we believed the blogs in the impostor’s friendster account because it seemed he knew us and we discussed shared events. We hope he can overcome his trials and tribulations with the help of our Lord God Jesus. We are always praying for him.

butuan sentinel said...

This is such a big shock to our community. We and our elders discussed. It is useless to be arguing whether or not the everett “confessions of a sinning priest” blog was made by everett or by an impostor. An intelligent elder brought our attention to the more pressing and alarming issue that drove whoever was the writer of the blog to publicize it. everett may have written it during his lowest moments, maybe even wishing to be caught because he cannot obviously stop his activities by himself. It might have been a cry for help that we refuse to see or consider as such because it is more interesting and fun to treat it like a showbiz tabloid.
Another point of our elder was if it was indeed an impostor who wrote the confessions blog that we were so quick to dismiss as character assassination we might have been missing his point. It could have been that this impostor was a very devout Catholic (even a priest) just like most of us, who wanted to save the Catholic Church from the perverted acts of one who is supposed to spread the word of God, or maybe this person has gone to the proper authorities to air his grievances but was ignored leaving him with no other choice than to present it in a more unconventional way.
Either way, we are all guilty of not protecting our faith. Our faith is supposed to be the stronghold of our beings, and not seeing what this is doing to us Catholics and to our Church is indeed a disappointing fact. The real issue is: why is everett still a priest?
We are objective. We have read and dissected his (therealeverett) blog.
In his entries he does not appear to be disturbed by all the controversy or scandal being attached to his name. This is proven by the fact that he still can afford to promote his forthcoming “photologue” and had the audacity to assume that we readers are intellectually-challenged by explaining what a photologue means. He had the time to make a profile and include his extensive list of hobbies. Those hobbies are not cheap or even affordable to most of us.
It is beyond our comprehension how he explained that he is excluded from the vow of poverty. If he truly is excluded, who is spending for all of these expensive hobbies? Are these taken out of our donations? A priest’s “salary” cannot support his lifestyle.
It has also reached our attention that he is covering up for this in Bataan by claiming that he comes from a very rich family. We know his family. Butuan is a small town. His parents are just middle class government employees.
Everett has a naked picture of himself in the club eos homepage. He claimed that it was taken by a world-renowned photographer, David Petterson. Why would a photographer of his greatness allow himself to photograph a naked priest? According to 2 of our members who are professional photographers, nudity is never required if the focus is to be the eyes of their subject, as opposed to everett’s excuse. They also said that one will need a minimum of 200,000 pesos to afford the level of photography that he is pursuing (taking into account the photos everett posted in his photo-websites complete with everettcorveraphotography watermarks) Where is everett getting the money? Are we being robbed under our noses.
In his defense, he also bragged that he was out of town during the alleged dates for photo shoots and his film classes (again this will cost hundreds of thousands). Again, where is he getting the money?
Why is he still functioning as a priest and why do we still refer to him as father?
I challenge the Catholic Church to do something more than just calling everett’s attention. They have allowed him to continue his lifestyle as if nothing happened. They have not given the proper sanctions. We are not satisfied at all. Removing him from the priesthood is not enough. It is a shame to both the parishioners of Bataan and Butuan that he is out there pursuing his dreams of being a film director and photographer by using what he has amassed from our donations.

Everett is now bragging again that he has been transferred to New Zealand, with the help of the bishop of Butuan. God save us. Below is an extracted blog comment of Everett to his co-priest “mcgordon” at

The Real Fr. Everett Corvera said...
Tags, belated happy birthday! I know it's a very very late greetings, but I never forgot the day of your birth. My cellphone reminded me that day and so I offered mass and prayers for you. The sad thing though is I couldn't call you, naputlan ko ug linya hehehe. Right this time, I'm at home in butuan, papa will be going to Cebu tonight. I'm here coz i will talk with my bishop regarding my transfer to New Zealand. My papers are all ready. Please don't tell anybody yet. Ooops, kalimut ko, I have linked you to my blog site. Please spare some time to read and spread the news to those who tried to believe the falacious and malicious blog. Many thanks!

Why ask for an outside of the country transfer everett? His guilt is already established. Flight is an admission of guilt. Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos, isn’t this already tantamount to aiding and abetting? Bishop, taas ra ba unta among pagtan-aw kanimo, nganu man?
So what’s next? We will not be surprised if another blogger will claim that he is the real everett and disown all the statements in the realeverettcorvera blog. Let us remember that an attack on him is not an attack on our Church. Shame on us for defending him before. He does not embody anything that our Church stands for. The Catholic Church is still the Catholic Church without Everett Magdalino Corvera. We hope we never see him again in our community.

Ex Umbris et Imaginibus in Veritatem said...


You may ask Bishop Socrates Villegas on what is the TRUTH about Everett Corvera.

Ex Umbris et Imaginibus in Veritatem said...


Have you raised this issue with your bishop?

Ex Umbris et Imaginibus in Veritatem said...


Have you raised this issue with your bishop?

If he's passive about this, based from the stories that I heard, yiu can always raise this issue to BISHOP SOCRATES VILLEGAS who has publicly admitted of his knowledge about this issue, to ARCHBISHOP ANGEL LAGDANEO who has a dossier on Fr. Corvera's case, and even ARCHBISHOP EDWARD ADAMS, the Papal Nuncio.

You can count on me if you wish me to sign a letter of petition to any of these bishops.

estirel said...

How desperate are you to put names here whom people deeply respect? An accuser like you is the ones to be given sanctioned.

Since you did not succeed in letting people believe by making a blog carrying the name of Fr.Everett, so now you're making up stories again. Actually, stories which are OBVIOUSLY made to convince the reader that you're genuine. Unfortunately, you won't be able to do that because not everybody is like you!They won't believe someone who says something without proof.

Everybody knows who you are. You're a very good writer, an indication that you graduated in a very good school. The way you construct your sentences is sooo sophisticated that you can't be mistaken for someone else.

If you look closely the way this person writes that first blog up to the comments here, they are similarly constructed.Grammar is perfect and use of words is exquisite. This psychopath person is the suicide waiting to happen. You probably is now in your lowest point and have nothing to do but attack and accuse Fr.Everett of acts which you yourself have done. All of this is just a PROJECTION of you. You are the devil incarnate!

By the way,in the CONFESSIONS OF A SINNING PRIEST blog you wrote Fr.everett's real name as Everett Magdalino Corvera. Ooops from that point alone, you're already wrong. Magdalino comes first dear. If you think that you can convince us....well NO! You're just wasting your time.Truth prevails!

estirel said...

You said you ask the bishop of Butuan and Balanga? hahaha you don't even know them and bdw, the bishop of butuan knows who you are already and he actually knows everything about you.He wouldn't talk to you dear.

On the other hand, the bishop of Balanga is not that easy to talk with. You just can't enter the bishop's house there. It's guarded and no one can enter unless there is an appointment.

And most of all, they do not give information regarding issues about their priests especially the ones who are not in their district already. An issue as sensitive as this is not also mouthed anywhere in their circle.

Certainly all you have are LIES!!! I give you credit for having such great TALENT OF MAKING THINGS UP.You're a very good storyteller but unfortunately, these doesn't sell out already. The people are tired of your modus. If I were you, you stop now and admit your mistake before something happens to you. I believe your very familiar about Karma, right? It will all go back to you dear!

And one more thing, your level of persistence is really high. You have the intensity of anger enough to kill a person but since you can't get close to that person so you just use your strongest weapon, and that is through you fantasy world...simply your stories! You are quite impressive but it's just too obvious that these stories are made up. Why don't you try making a novel or write in a that way you can get over your emotions.
How many names have you used already? Ok let me enumerate... first you pretended to be Fr.Everett, then Bing Ramos, salapudin, ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem, butuan and etc... I just can't memorize all the names you've used but I know there's plenty of it.Wow you've got a multiple personality dear and it's one step ahead of completely losing your mind.So long!!!

butuan sentinel said...

For ex umbris

Estirel is quite privy to the extent of security in both Balanga and Butuan, don't you think? Everett corvera is now disguised as ESTIREL an avid fan and defender of himself. It is an insult to our community and we refuse to dignify his existence. WE WERE ALMOST CONVINCED THAT THIS BLOG WAS WRITTEN BY AN IMPERSONATOR BUT THE NEW DEVELOPMENTS SIGNIFY OTHERWISE. Estirel/mr. corvera is now claiming that neither you nor us exists because we are one and the same with the author of this blog. This has only made us conclude that mr. corvera is indeed the author of this horrific blog and that he is also a pathological liar.

butuan sentinel said...

For ex umbris

Estirel is quite privy to the extent of security in both Balanga and Butuan, don't you think? Everett corvera is now disguised as ESTIREL an avid fan and defender of himself. It is an insult to our community and we refuse to dignify his existence. WE WERE ALMOST CONVINCED THAT THIS BLOG WAS WRITTEN BY AN IMPERSONATOR BUT THE NEW DEVELOPMENTS SIGNIFY OTHERWISE. Estirel/mr. corvera is now claiming that neither you nor us exists because we are one and the same with the author of this blog. This has only made us conclude that mr. corvera is indeed the author of this horrific blog and that he is also a pathological liar.

estirel said...

A person who is lying can't look at you straight in the eye. Just like you, YOU'RE HIT BY THE TRUTH that's why you just have to divert the attention and tell me that I am Fr.Everett? To make things worst you can't even react to the things I said about you. You think you can get away by that statement? hahaha You're really insane. Aren't you?

Truth hurts, right? Hey you just can't forever cloak yourself as this mysterious person in the net. You should come out in the open to make your statements more believable. Oh i see! of course you can't do that coz' a lot of people hate you and are disgusted by you! hahahaha

I salute Fr.Everett for his silence. It would be very IMPOSSIBLE that I am Fr.Everett because he is a person who has a firm conviction. He NEED NOT disguise himself, he has his own page where he gives his insights and posts.

Furthermore, the reason I can't give my identity is because I am much aware that the impersonator of Fr.Everett who also happens to be the author of this blog is a very dangerous person. I don't want to be the next Fr.Everett who have become a victim of this person.Prior to giving comments here, I've been warned by Fr.everett and a lot of friends how crazy this person is and how I should avoid putting myself on the spot,these I heed to...

I'd also like to add that you a.k.a. "ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem" and "butuan" likes to adress the person in your comments just like this:

# Umbris et Imaginibus in Veritatem said...


Have you raised this issue with your bishop?

August 18, 2008 10:16 PM


# butuan said...

(For ex umbris)

Estirel is quite privy to the extent of security in both Balanga and Butuan, don't you think? Everett corvera is now disguised as ESTIREL an avid fan...

See what I mean? you have this pattern of adressing the person in a very similar way. aha that's quite interesting...

Just recently, a family friend told me that Fr.Everett is going abroad, if I'm not mistaken he's going to US for a scholarship grant. With the skills he have,a lot of opportunities is at stake. He haven't been on the net lately as he have been warned that you were hacking him and to be more safer he just have to stop surfing the net. I hope he just find peace there. and Fr.Eve you know who I am, you can col me anytime. Have a good life and I know God will pave the way for you. He never left and will never leave you. Some people will try to destroy you, it just shows they envy you but we're all here to support you! Godbless you more!!! Continue serving the Lord!

butuan sentinel said...

for estirel

Whatever you say, mr. corvera. Whatever you say. God bless your soul.

butuan sentinel said...

mr. everett corvera has settled comfortably in Auckland, New Zealand. Nothing is impossible with the Catholic Church. We are distraught with the idea that his evil acts were even "rewarded" because he was sent to a better place. How can the catholic church claim to protect its people when every sinning priest is simply given a bigger playground. a lot of us has stopped hearing mass. You seem to be in the know, is there anything you can do about this?

Or should we just resign ourselves to the eternal damnation of the catholic church?

go to link so you can verify his whereabouts: